Telephone Support

Local Telephone

Domestic Dialing

State Pre-fixes and Dialing Formats
  • Aimeliik State (680)-544+xxxx
  • Airai State (680)-587+xxxx
  • Angaur State (680)-277+xxxx
  • Kayangel State (680)-876+xxxx
  • Koror State (680)-488+xxxx
  • Melekeok State* (680)-654+xxxx
  • Ngaraard State (680)-824+xxxx
  • Ngarchelong State (680)-855+xxxx
  • Ngardmau State (680)-747+xxxx
  • Ngatpang State (680)-535+xxxx
  • Ngchesar State (680)-622+xxxx
  • Ngaremlengui State (680)-733+xxxx
  • Ngiwal State (680)-679+xxxx
  • Peleliu State (680)-345+xxxx
  • *Republic of Palau Capitol
    (Ngerulmud) (680)-767+xxxx
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Telephone Repair Services

Effective January 1, 2009, fixed line telephone customers are responsible for the maintenance and repair of all the inside wiring and jacks for their telephone service as well as the telephones inside their location (house or office).

Inside Wiring Maintenance Plan: $3.00 per line/month*

Optional monthly recurring charge for customers who want PNCC to maintain or repair CPE (inside wiring and jacks) on the customer premises. Maintenance includes determining if customer owned equipment is the cause of any problems but does not cover cost of repair of customer owned equipment (i.e. telephone instruments). Customers who do not want this option will be charged labor and materials for each job requested.

*Rates subject to change

Telephone Trouble Shooting Tips: Before Calling 611

Before you call 611 for repair service, PNCC recommends checking first to see if the problem is inside or outside your building.

  • If the problem is outside in PNCC's lines there will be no charge for the repair service.
  • If the problem is inside your building location (in the telephone equipment, inside wiring or jacks), then the customer is responsible for the repair and you will be charged labor and materials for PNCC to perform the repair work (for inside wiring and jacks, telephone instruments not included).
  • If you subscribe to the Inside Wiring Maintenance Plan (only $3/month per line) then PNCC's troubleshooting and repair of inside wiring and jacks is covered.

*Rates subject to change

  • Locate the Protector (Network Interface Device, called NID) on the outside of your house or building. Bring a telephone with its line cord that are both in good working condition.
  • Open the NID carefully with a screwdriver.
  • Plug in the line cord of the telephone into the plug on the left side of the NID (as shown above). Pick up the phone's handset. If you can hear a dial tone, the problem is inside your home; if you can't hear a dial tone the problem is likely in the outside lines.
  • Close the NID to protect it from insects & weather.
Extension Additional outlet for a single-line telephone that is located on the same premises. This service is deregulated. Customers can install their own. Requests to have PNCC provide extension of current residential telephone account to other location will be charged for time and supplies used.
Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) Devices or apparatus and their associated wiring (e.g., telephone instruments, jacks and inside wiring) provided by the customer. Complete ownership and maintenance responsibility of CPE resides with the customer.

Examples of CPE include telephone instruments and telephone key systems, jacks, computers, television sets, inside wiring, and cellular phones.
Inside Wire Wire that runs from the connection point or NID to and including the telephone jacks inside your home or office.
Network Interface Device (NID) also known as the company's Demarcation point.
Demarcation Point The point of interconnection between the Company communications facilities and terminal equipment, the protective apparatus or wiring at a customer's premises known as the network interface device. The demarcation point is located on the customer's side of the network interface device or the equivalent thereof where a network interface device is not employed.
NID Indicators
  • Fixed Telephone Line Service NID is the protector.
  • DSL service NID is the modem.
  • Cable TV Service NID is the Set Top Box (STB).
  • Mobile Wireless Services NID is the SIM card.

How to Use Special Calling Services

For Your Fixed Line Telephone

Three-Way Calling: With Three-Way Calling, three people can be connected on the phone at the same time.

  • To add a third person to your call:

    • First, depress the switch hook* for about one second. This will place the person you're talking with on hold.
    • Listen for the dial tone. Then, dial the third person you want to join the conversation. (You can use Speed Calling codes if you have this feature.)
    • When the third person answers, you can talk privately with this person before making the call a three-way conversation.
    • To make the call a three-way conversation, depress the switch hook for about one second to add the person you have on hold. Your three- way call is now underway.

    Note: If for some reason the call to the third person is not completed, or if someone else answers the phone and the person you desire to speak to is out, depress the switch hook twice to resume your conversation with the person on hold.

    *The switch hook is the button the handset pushes down when you hang up the phone. Your phone is "off the hook" when that button is up.

  • To disconnect the third person:

    • Depress the switchhook for about one second. You'll now have only the original party on the line. -or-
    • If either of the two people hangs up, you can continue talking with the remaining party.
  • To disconnect completely:

    • Simply hang up.

Call Forward: Now when you are away from your home, your calls can be automatically forwarded to you.

  • To forward your calls:

    • Lift the handset and listen for the dial tone.
    • Dial 72#
    • Again, listen for the dial tone.
    • Now, dial the number where you want your calls to be forwarded. (You can use Speed Calling codes if you have this feature.)
    • The Call Forward feature is in effect when someone answers at the forwarding number.

    If there is no answer at the forwarding number, or if the line is busy, hang up the phone and repeat the steps above. If you do so within two minutes, you’ll hear two "beeps," meaning your Call Forward feature is now working.

    Once you've activated Call Forward, your phone will make one short ring each time a call is forwarded. You can still make outgoing calls from this phone.

    If you wish to change the number to which your calls are being forwarded, just deactivate the feature (see below), then follow the steps above to forward your calls to a new number.

  • To deactivate Call Forward:

    • Lift the handset and listen for the dial tone.
    • Dial 73 #
    • Listen for two beeps, then hang up. The feature is no longer in effect, and calls will ring on your phone.

Call Waiting: Now while talking on the phone you won't miss another call. With Call Waiting, a special tone alerts you to an incoming call when you are on the phone; the caller hears only a normal ring. You can then place your current call on temporary hold and answer the new call.

Plus, with Cancel Call Waiting, you can eliminate Call Waiting for the duration of a call. This is especially useful when you don't want your call interrupted or when you are using a computer on the line. Dial *70 to activate Cancel Call Waiting; just hang up and Call Waiting will be automatically reactivated.

  • Here's how you are alerted by Call Waiting:

    • When you're on the phone, a "beep" tells you a second call is waiting. Only you hear this beep.
    • If you don't answer the second call within 10 seconds, another "beep" reminds you it's there.
    • The second caller hears on the normal ringing tone.
  • To answer the second call:

    • Depress the switch hook* for about one second to place your first call on hold. You are automatically connected with the second caller.
  • To alternate between calls:

    • Depress the switch hook for about one second to alternate between calls. Each of your conversations is private and cannot be heard by the other caller
  • To end either call:

    • Simply hang up. Your telephone will ring. When you answer it, you'll be connected with the other caller. The call you discontinued will no longer be on the line.

Long Distance Telephone

How to Call Long Distance

There are many convenient ways to call long distance in Palau

  • International Direct Dial (IDD) Accounts
  • Long distance via PalauCel Mobile Phones

International Direct Dial (IDD)

Enjoy the convenience of dialing direct from your home or office phone with an International Direct Dial account.

Customers who subscribe to IDD service may call other countries by simply dialing the appropriate country and city codes. (dial 0 for help with country codes)

To place an IDD Call, dial (without pausing):

  • 011
  • Country code
  • City routing or area code
  • Local number

Example: Direct-Dial call to Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

011 + 1 + 808 + 234-5678

How to Access USA 1-800 Numbers (Paid 1-800 Service)

You can reach U.S. “800” numbers by dialing direct using the same instructions for all IDD calls.

However, note that U.S. 800 numbers are not free to call from Palau; this is a paid service offered at regular direct dial rates for your convenience.

Example: 011 + 1 + 800 + xxx-xxxx

How to Call Long Distance